Welcome to Musicarava! Enjoy your stay.

Tracks can be uploaded. Only .mp3 or .ogg. max 32Mb. Use the external links for a higher amount. Make a track upload today. Get it played by tomorrow. Promoting your track is simple by this system.

We have easy registration. And some users get granted moderation on time. Sometimes moderation can take 2 days at max.

We sometimes will remaster and enhance the quality of your upload. As well as making a better quality of your post.

We introduced Cryptovaluta of Bitcoin Mono. This means you will get 10.000 coins for each post, yes, ten thousand. We’re backed up with a decent amount and all payouts will be made unless a certain occurrence happens. Do not request payment unless it’s 100.000 coins. Your income will reflect when you’ve made a post like others.

Hello world! Hello Crypto! Hello Posting!

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